Saturday, September 10, 2011

V is for...

gosh, i couldn't be more thrilled for this week! it seemed like the day was never going to come. i started vacation today, well technically, i will start tomorrow because i still have to send out some final notes and emails. but, thats fine! this vacation was pure luck and filled with a bunch last-minute-ness. i had cancelled my 4th of july one, but then a week didn't become available until last week because we were so short handed. therefore, i just had to pick this week because i had no other choice. and i am okay with that! i still have 2 more vacays before the end of the year, so i'm good! a few months back, my dear friend and amazing fashion designer, tammy jo, was accepted into the renegade craft fair in chicago. as soon as i learned about this, i wanted to jump on board and go with them, but due to the complications of the scheduling with my job, it just didn't work out.  now, i ended up having next week off and they called me today just to say hello and catch me up on everything. jokingly, i said: "i still wish i could go! i was looking up tix, but they are too expensive..." then, i add: "but, since i am on vacation next week, i can bid on a flight through priceline and see if it will take my price." they were all for it! i got home from work and decided to bid. i don't know if you have ever bid on a flight or hotel on priceline, but it is the best and most nerve wrecking thing ever! haha....seeing that priceline-NEGOTIATOR doing his sweet price chopping moves, gives me a rush! after just a couple of tries, my price was ACCEPTED!! [i screamed for joy!] and so at that very second my whole entire vacation week changed. i leave in about 4 hours and i am too excited for words! i have never been to chicago, so that's gonna be an experience on its own and i get to add the fair to it! yaaaayyy!!! maybe someday i can be able to be a vendor at the fair with LIxCREATIONS! =) i come! i will for sure take lots of pictures and have lots of fun! i hope you have a marvelous weekend! XXX

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